Using funds from Gower Street, the Sung Foundation carried out five major initiatives in some selected communities in Ghana’s Northern and North-East areas in an effort to lessen the impact of the urgent problem of climate change. Planting trees, using eco-stoves, practicing clean cooking, using clean transportation, and advocating for the use of solar energy in homes were some of these milestones.
During a community engagement, climate change officer, Mary B. Mahami led the lobbying activities on solar energy for residential usage. She addressed the communities about the worrying rate of the greenhouse effect and the need for advocacy work on potential solutions to deal with the environmental harm caused by the use of fossil fuels that is still present.
Among the effects of unfriendly eco-practices, she listed low crop yield, scorching weather, and changes in the pattern of rainfall. She disseminated information to the public about the dangers of plastic pollution and efficient trash management. Additionally, the 3Rs (Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce) were taught to the communities.
Chief Zakariah Mumuni, head of one of the communities, expressed his disapproval of the use of plastic in his community and urged his followers to follow the Sung Foundation’s advocacy for eco-friendly activities and safe garbage disposal.
Best Solar-Tamale, a Sung Foundation partner, adorned some of the events with a display of solar-powered devices such as standing fans, light bulbs, flashlights, and more. They also encouraged the communities to buy and use solar-powered equipment because it is less expensive and environmentally friendly.