In the past, women have often been regarded as the weaker sex and subjected to numerous injustices, including sexual violence, unpaid labor, and exclusion from decision-making processes. Despite significant efforts to address these issues, they persist, necessitating further initiatives to support marginalized women and children.
To this end, Sung Foundation, in partnership with the African Women Development Fund (AWDF), has launched the second phase of the project titled “Inclusive Justice for Women and Girls” in the Tolon district of the Northern Region of Ghana.
In earlier activities, Sung Foundation, with funding from AWDF, organized 600 women from 10 communities in the Tolon district -60 women from each community, where community gatherings were held to educate them on sexual violence, unpaid care work, and other aspects of inclusive justice for women.
Additionally, schoolchildren from 10 selected schools in the Tolon district were informed about sexual violence, early marriage, and teenage pregnancy. These students were then formed into clubs and trained to be advocates against sexual violence, early and forced child marriage, and teenage pregnancies through poetry and drama.
Building on these efforts, the second phase focuses on refining the poetry and drama skills of these clubs. The clubs have started rehearsing poems to effectively convey their messages.
This preparation aims to organize community gatherings and utilize community festivals to disseminate information on the aforementioned issues through the poetry and drama performances by these school clubs.
You can visit our Facebook page to watch videos of rehearsals.